Welcome to Castleberry Arts!
Castleberry Arts Web Design offers unique web graphics for personal and small business sites.
(Puppy from AnimationFactory.com
The designs provided here includes web graphic sets, backgrounds, holiday designs, PSP tubes, animations, and more.
These are free for personal sites in exchange for a link back to this site.
Many of these web designs are available for commercial sites at affordable rates. In the past there has been a problem with people directly linking to the images on this server,
so please read and follow the terms of use before you download these graphics.
You can find the latest designs in the What's New section.
I will continue to place links to design resources and tutorials as often as possible to assist you.
You will find answers to commonly asked questions located on the FAQ page.
I have put together a large Webmaster Tips section which will
reveal strategies that you can use to help you build a successful website.
Attention Web Designers or Web Site Owners:
Do you send out newsletters?
SpamCheck is a new power feature added to the Site Build It! program I use.
With the addition of SpamCheck, e-mail marketing becomes headache-free.
The nagging worry if my subscribers are actually receiving my e-mail or if it's going in the black hole of spam filters...is no more.
Test your newsletter for "spamminess"...send your email to spamcheck-empower@sitesell.net
with the word TEST (in caps, no quotes) preceding your subject in the Subject line.
They'll send back a full SpamCheck Report in seconds.

If you like the web design on this site, you're sure to love the free greeting cards at
Tess' Castle In The Sky...the site that started it all!